To find good
Chinese food in Singapore might be easy for you. But do you easily able
to give justice to the food by eating it in a traditional manner? To be
precise, do you think that you eat the Chinese food in the traditional way with
chopsticks perfectly? Well, there are some chopstick eating rules, which you
might not be following when enjoying your favorite Chinese cuisine. Have a look
to see how much justice you give to your fav food:
In case,
something gets struck in your teeth. Then do not use the sticks to take it out.
It would, at first, will not help you at all, and secondly, it would show you
as a bad mannered person.
When served a large serving plate or steamer of
food, use the public serving chopsticks to serve the food in your plate. Never use
the used chopsticks in the serving bowl.
To serve the food, you can also use the broader
end of your chopsticks (on the condition, it shouldn’t be chewed by you).
Do not stab your food with the chopsticks. It is
disrespect to the chef and the food as well. This even shows that you are rude
at the dinning table.
Make sure that you never pass the food from
chopstick to chopstick. It is considered as ill manner and bad table behavior.
Once you
are done eating, do not pass the chopsticks. Instead, you should lay them on
the left side of the dish.
While eating, never point out to others with the
chopsticks (be it intentionally on un intentionally).
While eating, do not make music with the
chopsticks & the bowl. This is done by the poor beggars and thus will
depict you as an ill manner person.

Make sure
you do not drop the chop sticks on the floor. Even if it happens by mistake,
then sincerely apologize for this. According to Asian culture, if a chopstick
falls, then the ancestor of the host gets disturbed, so make sure you do not do
any such thing.
Simply remember
these rules when you make a visit to Cantonese restaurant in Singapore to enjoy
your authentic Chinese food.
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